
We’re Andy (he) & Tobie (she) Bryant of Battle Ground Blooms in Battle Ground, Washington, on the northern edge of the Portland, Oregon metro area.

Hi. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little about Battle Ground Blooms. We’re the Bryant family, and we’ve lived on this property since 2005. Family friends built the house and barn and developed the property for livestock, but when we came to their home for a get-together early that year, we learned they were looking to relocate. We had all but abandoned our dream of owning property with room to roam, but it worked out for our family of 6 to purchase the home and 7 1/2 acre farm.

Since we moved to the farm, we’ve dabbled in growing all kinds of things. Fruit trees. Vegetables. Flowers. We even had some goats for a few years: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, & Mr. Tumnus. Our kids suggested we name the property P.S. Farm to honor the memory of Pepper and Salty, beloved dogs when we first moved to this property.

Why flowers? Well, we grew flowers for several years to include small bouquets are part of produce deliveries for a small CSA we ran for a few years. Many of our customers said their favorite part of the delivery was the flowers. What? It wasn’t the kale?

When our daughter announced her engagement and a summer 2019 wedding, we decided to grow flowers for the event. The wedding colors were blue, with touches of yellow and green. The quest for blue blooms opened the door to the world of locally-grown flowers happening on small farms all over the country. We discovered flowers we’d never seen or heard of, such as Love-in-a-Mist, Cerinthe, and Scabiosa.

In the midst of developing a new passion for growing flowers, we were also presented the opportunity to purchase property adjacent to ours. A requirement of the purchase is that the land continue to be used for agriculture. Thus, Battle Ground Blooms came to be in the spring of 2020. We have close to an acre in production, with perennials (such as dahlias, irises, delphinium, and yarrow), annuals (think sunflowers, cosmos, zinnias, and many more), spring-flowering bulbs (tulips, daffodils, ranunculus, and anemones), and flowering shrubs and trees (hydrangeas, lilacs, and ninebark).

Thanks again for visiting the online home of Battle Ground Blooms. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook.